Extension of the TECQ Program

The application of the Gas Tax and Quebec Contribution Program (TECQ), which was to end on December 31, is extended until December 31, 2024 .

The program is thus renamed TECQ 2019-2024. This one-year extension will better meet the infrastructure needs of communities.

Note that in 2014, the governments of Canada and Quebec signed an agreement on the transfer of part of the revenue from the federal excise tax on gasoline over a 10-year period.

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A portion of these funds are redistributed to municipalities through the TECQ Program, by means of envelopes available for a fixed term. The TECQ notably makes it possible to finance structuring municipal infrastructure projects, such as those related to drinking water, wastewater, local roads, the deployment of high-speed Internet and other infrastructures.

For more information on TECQ, please visit the Program webpage .